Concerts 2025

Season Ticket: £51

A reduced-price adult ticket for all three concerts in the Spring 2025 series. Available while there is availability for all concerts.


£51.00Add to cart

7.30pm, Saturday 8th February 2025

St Michael’s Church, 158 High Street, Lewes BN7 1XU

Silas Wollston


Photo of Silas Wollston

A recital by one of our foremost harpsichordists celebrating the glories of French music, presented as a series of musical encounters between composers, who paid homage to their contemporaries and predecessors while also adding their own twist. With music by Lully, Couperin, Rameau, Bach and Handel.


£20.00Add to cart

 Under 18s

£10.00Add to cart

7.30pm, Saturday 15th March 2025

Venue tbc

Passacaglia Duo

Annabel Knight, recorders and baroque flute
Robin Bigwood, harpsichord

Annabel Knight holding flute, with Robin Bigwood

Made in Italy
Baroque music for recorder, flute and harpsichord by Handel, Barsanti, Corelli, Vivaldi and Scarlatti.

Sensational and dramatic, melodic and emotional, Italian music took London by storm in 1711 with Handel’s wildly successful opera, Rinaldo. The excitement and novelty of Corelli and Vivaldi’s instrumental stylings were also catching on across the British Isles, attracting a cohort of Italian musicians to settle in Britain and, the the case of Francesco Barsanti, absorb Scots culture into his own music.


£20.00Add to cart

 Under 18s

£10.00Add to cart

7.30pm, Saturday 3rd May 2025

Cliffe Hall, 28 Cliffe High Street, Lewes, BN7 2AH

The Geminiani Ensemble

Alison Bury, violin
John Dornenburg, viola da gamba
Malcolm Proud, harpsichord

Bury, Dornenburg and Proud playing their instruments

A Concert Royale
The Geminiani Ensemble return to the Workshop Series with a feast of French music by Leclair, Rameau, Marais Couperin and Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre.


£20.00Add to cart

 Under 18s

£10.00Add to cart